Songs, and Movie QuotesLove, Guns, and Heart-Shaped ChocolateIn Love, Guns, and Heart-Shaped Chocolate there are references throughout the book to the song The Way You Look Tonight. Katie is not feeling the love. She wants to stay away from anything romantic and Valentine's related but everywhere she goes a different version of this song is playing. I wanted to use it as a way to show the progression of her character. In the beginning she has a cynical reaction to Michael Buble's version, thinking it's overly sultry. Then later she hears Frank Sinatra's version and doesn't believe the words of love are sincere. But by the end of the story she's changed and has learned to trust another person and is opening herself up to the idea of love so when she hears the Fred Astaire version she can see the romance in the song.
*Quick disclaimer: When Katie is talking about how much she hates the first two versions, I was using that to show how exasperated with love she was. It does not reflect my views on the artists singing them because I very much enjoy Michael Buble and Frank Sinatra :) I also thought that The Way You Look Tonight was a very Valentinesey song. And I love Fred Astaire. I think he's just the cutest. Go here to read the fun fun madlib made by Kat over at The Book Tart blog. Such a fun interview to do Movie ReferencesAll Katie wanted to do on her Valentine's Day was stay in, drink wine, and watch Jurassic Park. I chose this movie because it's my favorite. It's my own personal comfort movie. It has no romance plot and big scary prehistoric monsters eat people. In my opinion it's the perfect movie to watch on Valentine's Day when your not feeling the love.
There are also references to Nicholas Sparks movies:
Katie's best friend, Tracy, tells her "you've been about as upbeat as a Nicholas Sparks movie marathon lately." And a Pulp Fiction reference: "Could you not point that gun at me while the car is moving? Or at least put the safety on?" Katie asked as they hit a bump in the road. "I saw Pulp Fiction. I don't wanna end up with my brains sprayed across the back windshield by accident." |