I got a tumblr account when I first started my ventures into social media but once I got my shiny new website, complete with blog, I wasn't sure what to do with two blogs. But during the intense amount of procrastination I've done today I decided on my tumblr's fate. I'm going to revamp it and start posting these thingies (that big pink thing down there. Yeah, those.) It's going to be stuff that pops into my head (or, like this one, things I say to Codi Gary on twitter.)
Mother's day is an incredibly special day to me because my mom is one of the most important people in my life. We're really close. Like Gilmore Girls close. Like the end of Brave close. This year we got to have mother's day with my two best friends and their mothers. And it turned into an extra special day for me, too. A few weeks ago my best friend invited me to a mother/daughter candlelight tea. And she was very vocal about me going. It seemed important that I do what I gotta do and BE THERE! She was slick about it, though. Every time I saw her for weeks she asked if I had remembered to request the day off but I thought it was because I had forgotten last year. (Still feel a little guilty about that. I suck at remembering to request days off.) So my mom and I got all dressed up and went. I was thinking a little food, wine tasting, raffle drawing, home in time for... well, nothing specific because nothing happens on Thursday nights. But I'd be home in time for all that nothing. But when I got there I was so excited to see what her mother had done for me. She was one of the hostesses and in charge of three tables. On each setting, at each of those tables, was a copy of my book, Kiss Me. I was so touched. She even included a copy in the raffle prize. Look at all of 'em. Aren't they adorable!! Also, those deserts were so delicious. The little pink ones in the middle were raspberry mouse with edible chocolate cups. So good. I'm making myself hungry. Then everyone started coming up asking me to sign their copies. It was so strange (in a good way.) I wasn't expecting it but it was an amazing feeling. Signing copies of a book that I had written had always seemed like a someday thing. You know, someday I'll have a book published and someday I'll have people asking me to sign it. But thanks to my best friend's mom last Thursday turned into that someday. And the look of pride on my own mom's face was so rewarding. I could see her glowing with it (and it was pre-wine tasting so that makes it all the more sincere.) So, everyone, hug your mom and hug your all of friend's moms because if they're anything like the ones in my life they are awesome people :)
AuthorI'm a coffee addicted romance novelist and I say some pretty random things. Enjoy! Archives
October 2016